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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 10: End of Semester A

Updated: Apr 9

After months of work, we have reached the end of the semester.

This week, we closed on our home page. We made low fidelity wireframes of the home page of our application. It was important to us to build a home page where the users will understand the main action they can do, which is self-reflection.

After we did all of this, we sat down to go over the entire development process that we did this semester. We did an overall view - the interviews, the conversations with the experts, the discussions with the end users and everything that led us to this point in the project.

Together we built the final presentation for our project by the end of the semester event. Afterwards, we rehearsed and heard Ariel and Omri give the final presentation. They practiced the presentation to ensure that the way they presented was the best they could do.

On Sunday, we presented our project and what we have done so far. We received feedback from the mentors, who left us points to think about for the future. We realized that we need to think about how we will do the reflection process correctly, how we will ask the questions and more.

Moreover, we talked with Hadas Erel and started building the structure of the research and design proposal we are working on.

We look forward to the second semester to explore, be creative, and most importantly, continue our love for the problem we chose to solve!

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