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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 12: Usability Tests: Insights and Improvements

In our last class, we presented our bot to Noa and Ofir - a bot we trained to converse with a parent of a teenager and guide them through the process of reflection.

Over the last week, we continued with the usability and feasibility testing of our solution.

We reached several important insights:

  1. Users do not always trust AI - perhaps it's worth mentioning that we base ourselves on experts like super nannies/psychologists?

  2. Users show a reluctance to engage with emotions - a greater emphasis on actions is needed.

  3. Users believe that through the interface, we can change the parent's perspective and succeed in creating an external viewpoint on the situation.

  4. Users report that the reflection process is successful - good length of the process, smooth flow, felt comfortable.

  5. Users claim the application is relevant for parents at the onset of adolescence.

Additionally, on Tuesday, we met with Hazi, the first of four meetings with him over the semester. The last time we spoke with him was last semester, so we gave him some background on the progress and specifics of the project.

Afterward, Hazi provided three main insights we need to consider:

  1. The bot's role in the interaction: We need to decide whether it's merely a supportive tool and a listening ear, or if it learns and provides a generic and useful recommendation at the end of the conversation for the parent.

  2. Regarding the design of the screens - the CTA button: Is the way we presented the call-to-action button the right way? We need to lead the user as quickly as possible to the chat, so Hazi suggested removing the circle and plus sign, and placing the main action, which is a text box, directly on the home screen so that clicking on it starts the chat immediately.

  3. Opening quote - Hazi's recommendation: Instead of a quote, write the purpose of the app, what value the app will provide, and this will appear at the top of the page.

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