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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 14: Mirra- New name, design getting better and starting to work on the final movie

First and foremost, we decided to change our name from to Mirra. We made this decision because Nanny give a connotation of treating young children, while our focus is on teenagers.

This week we also started working on the final movie for our product. The movie is going to be around one minute, and our first step was to write the script that will be read during the video. Writing the script help us sharpen the way we define our problem, how we will solve it and in what value our product gives.

Moreover, we conducted 3 usability tests and got important feedback from the users:

1. Make the singup process shorter, simpler, more fun/engaging and easier to complete

2. The chat process is clear to the users.

3. Optional: Categorize history by subject of the chat rather than by date. and add a "+" button to add insights, to make it easier for users

Lastly, we design different screens using Figma. Our focus is on creating a Chatbot experience for the parents, that will be empathetic and nonjudgmental. To do that, we consulted with Hezi, our UX UI mentor and - refined the details of our design. We had two main insights from the talk with Hezi:

1. The homepage should be even simpler than what we designed

2. The insights should be added to a more accessible area, because they are an important part of our solution

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