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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 3: Experts & end users interviews

Updated: Jan 20

This week, we dug into the specific issues in our field. We had chats with experts like psychologists and parent guides, including "Super Nanny" (Michal Daliot), to hear their thoughts on how parents and kids relate. We wanted to test their ideas and ours. We also talked with possible users - parents of boys aged 13-16. We wanted to understand how parents and teens get along, how much they talk, what they like, and what they think needs fixing. We spoke with both moms and dads to get a full picture of the problems parents face.

The big problems we heard about were quite varied - not being open about intimate stuff, teens feeling awkward talking about it, and differences in how much boys and girls share. Most parents stressed the importance of checking in with their teens even when the kids don't share on their own. They think it's their job to ask and find out.

From our talks, we noticed differences between moms and dads and between girls and boys. Moms seem more comfortable discussing sensitive things, but dads struggle to start these conversations. Also, girls seem more open compared to boys, who tend to keep more to themselves.

Overall, these talks pointed out a lack of openness between parents and teens, especially about personal stuff. It shows there's a real problem here we want to try and fix.

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