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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 8: Speed mentoring

This week, we met four mentors who helped improve our solution. During each session, we presented our idea, while the mentors provided notes and shared their opinions. The event was empowering and helped shed light on aspects we need to investigate to enhance our idea.

After each session, we compiled the feedback given to us by the mentors. Some of the dominant feedback was as follows:

  • The questions we ask our users to define their relationship with their children need to be short and concise.

  • We need to analyze our users step by step; as they engage more with the app, it will learn more about them.

  • We need to find a way to gather feedback from children as well; otherwise, we will only have the parents' perspective.

  • It's crucial to consider engagement. What features will motivate our users to use the app?

  • Past interaction statistics would add significant value to our users.

After the speed mentoring event, we realized the importance of reconsidering the role of children in our app. We need to determine if the reflection process can be complete without their involvement. If not, we must find a way to include them as well.

To delve deeper into this question, we scheduled another meeting with Michal Daliot (Super Nanny) and discussed the situation with her. Michal provided us with some interesting insights-

  •  The issues that need to be focused on and answered are issues that parents face with their teenagers related to day to day life.

  • She gave us tips and taught us what the correct form of asking questions is and how it should be properly approached by parents.

In addition, Michal directed us that we should stay around one user- parents and at the end of the application process you have the findings should be summarized with the understanding that the parent's intentions are good and at the same time indicate tips for improvement.

After the meeting, we felt we understood our users much better, and have a better vision of our app.Using all the feedback from the mentors we adjusted the "scenario" and featuring more reasonable features and aspects of the product. 

We are very excited about the next meeting that will include building the first prototype of our app! We are ready to rock!


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