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  • Writer's pictureAriel Cohen

Week 9: Building an initial wireframe of a home page

Following a thorough 3 months of market research, defining personas, and ideation, we are now in a position to think about how our product will look.

On Wednesday,  we had a workshop with Hezi taniani, a UX/UI expert. He taught us the main principles of designing an app and the process of creating sketches for our different screens  in a fast and effective way.

With the help of Hezi, we realized that we need to refine the HMW and focus our persona. In addition, he helped us think in terms of UX, what should be the structure of the home page - what is most important to have on it, how it will look accessible to users.

Finally, he gave us points to think about how the application would be - do we want the application to be pro-active and send parents reminders, how should the questions be asked correctly and more.

Afterwards, we went on to start sketching and brainstorming ideas about how the homepage and the reflective process is going to look like. Using Figma, we sketched out some basic drafts of the first stage of our app.

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